Floral Crown


Spring time is here, well at least weather-wise it sure feels like it here in So Cal. I’m very excited about this change in weather, and to celebrate I wanted to share a craft that’s very dear to me — the first craft I thought of when conceiving Hola Sara — my floral head crown! You might have noticed this crown in photos of me on Hola Sara or social media. It’s pretty easy to make and if you’re like me, you’ll find any occassion to wear one. Last year I wore one each time I watched world cup soccer and made a special one for our annual year in review card.

Wire cutters
Floral Wire
Floral Tape
Gloves (optional)*
*not shown



Cut your flowers leaving a minimum 3’’ stems


Wrap your floral wire around the crown of you head and cut the length with your wire cutters. This will make the crown base. Gently twist the cut ends together to close the crown. You can do this with your hands or wire cutters. (Be careful if you are using your hands, gloves would be recommended. I used wire cutters.)


Now take your floral tape and gently wrap it around the wire crown. Make sure to wrap the ends you just twisted, this may require extra floral tape for the ends, so you don’t poke yourself in the head. 


Take your flowers and start towards the back of the crown (near where you twisted the ends together). Place your flowers and wrap the stem with floral tape. Some flowers will need to be wrapped more than once to the crown, use your judgement to see how secure you would like your flowers. It’s ok if you don’t wrap it correctly the first time. I had to adjust my flowers and wrap them a few times. Flowers can be tricky, so don’t fret, it’s totally normal.


Keep doing this all the way around your crown until you reach the center. Then start again on the other side, until you reach the center once again, completing your crown. Get creative and choose different flowers or add accent flowers to your crown. I decided to use small pink roses as the base of my crown and I added lilies and carnations here and there with other accent flowers.


 That’s it! You’ve just created a beautiful floral crown perfect for spring! You can store this crown in the refrigerator for a few days, or until your fresh flowers start to wilt. 

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